Why Consider Homeopathy?

Homeopathy especially outshines other approaches when the onset of ill-health can be traced to specific events in your life, such as physical or emotional trauma. For example, if your energy levels or digestion were adversely affected by the death of a family member, then it is homeopathy rather than proper nutrition that would be likely to be of help—even if poor nutrition had been a concern already prior to the event.
Homeopathy is also powerful in addressing life-long concerns that seem to be built into your constitution: these tendencies, which are often blamed on ‘poor genes’, are often correctable with long-term homeopathic treatment. Examples of illnesses that can be addressed include: chronic fatigue, asthma and allergies, skin problems, tendency to frequent infections, constipation, poor appetite, depressive tendency, and more.
The simplest way to know whether homeopathy might be suitable for you is to consider whether you’re looking for a quick solution to a specific symptom, or whether you’re looking to invest in comprehensive treatment that could resolve multiple problems as well as help to bring about a totally new level of health and being. Homeopathy deals not only with reestablishing one’s former degree of health, but with transforming suffering into overall growth. A good candidate for homeopathic treatment will therefore understand that his or her illness is a sign and inspiration for changing one’s life for the better, rather than a random misfortune.
What is Homeopathic Treatment Like?
The process of homeopathic treatment consists of a comprehensive in-person first appointment with me via phone or Skype (when possible with a video connection via webcam) followed by regular followup appointments every 3 to 6 weeks at first, and less frequently once noticeable improvement has taken place. The appointment fees will include unlimited reasonable e-mail or voice communication between appointments. In addition, I will be encouraging you to e-mail me a brief progress report every two weeks, both to make you more attentive to subtle changes as they occure, and for me to monitor your progress and fine-tune your treatment regimen.
It is important to note that although homeopathy often produces quick initial results, the deep and transformative healing that can be achived with homeopathy requires several months to several years to manifest. I therefore encourage my patients to persist with treatment past the stage of satisfactory clinical improvement so that they may experience the full benefits of homeopathic treatment. Long-term treatment will also ensure that the illness not return even under stressful conditions that might arise in future.
_________________________________________________________Is Homeopathy Safe?
Classical homeopathy is extremely safe and can be pursued alongside virtually any other treatment approach. During homeopathic treatment transient aggravation of some symptoms may be experienced as the organism readjusts to its new state, and effect which is normal and not dangerous.
Most importantly, homeopathic remedies do not interact with medications, herbs, or supplements because homeopathic remedies have no active chemical constituents. There are some conventional medications (mainly steroids and anti-convulsants) and recreational drugs that interfere with the body’s ability to respond to homeopathic remedies. In such cases homeopathic treatment can still be pursued, but recovery may be take longer.
Using Skype for Live Online Appointments
Skype is a free program that enables free worldwide voice and video communication over the Internet (a “high-speed” internet connection is required). Skype also can be used with a webcam to obtain a full video connection, which works remarkably well to make appointments feel truly face-to-face. Finally, Skype has a chat function which enables the exchange of short text messages in real-time.
Thanks to Skype I can now offer worldwide phone connection (if you don’t have Skype installed, and as a backup method if you do) at no cost to you. Some country restrictions may apply.
Following are complete instructions for downloading, installing, and setting up Skype to connect with me:
Download and installation instructions for Windows users
(Macintosh users please click here for instructions.)
(Macintosh users please click here for instructions.)
To install skype visit www.skype.com and follow the “Download Skype” link and instructions that follow, or simply click here to access the file right away. Then:
- Click “Open” on the window that pops up
- Wait for the download to complete (this may take up to a few minutes)
- Read and approve the license agreement by clicking on the checkbox in the window that appears soon after download completes
- Click “Install”. (If needed, instructions with screenshots for these steps appear here.)
- Setting up Skype to connect with me
Once Skype is installed, run it (it can be accessed it via the Start Menu →All Programs →Skype or through the desktop). The first time you use Skype you will be prompted to register by providing a username (note that it will be visible to other Skype users) and password.
The final step before you can communicate with me is to add me to your Contacts:
(If you have trouble completing this stage simply send me an e-mail and I will connect the two of us from my end instead.)
(If you have trouble completing this stage simply send me an e-mail and I will connect the two of us from my end instead.)
- On the main Skype program window you will note several tabs, the first of which is Contacts. Make sure it is the active (highlighted) tab by clicking on it once.
- Click on the Add a contact button found just below the Contacts tab. (Alternately use the top menu: Contacts → Add a contact.)
- Type in ”davidnortman” (my username) in the window that pops up, and click “Find”.
- Shortly afterward, my name will appear in a blue strip a bit below. In case the search has not ended by itself you may click “Stop Search”.
- Double-click anywhere on the blue strip and then click Add contact in the window that pops up.
- Another (final!) window will pop up, in which simply click “OK”. (You may leave a short text message to introduce yourself in case I don’t already know who you are. Leave the default “Share your contact details...” option on.)
After that you will see me added to your Contacts, with a icon that will turn into a or icon (depending on whether I am online or offline) once I approve your seeing my contact details the next time I visit Skype (usually within 24 hours).
Using SkypeAt the agreed time of appointment you will need to have Skype open and be logged-in and visible online (the icon should appear at the right side of your Windows toolbar) and I will call you.
Using Skype ChatIf you ever see me online outside of your appointment time and would like to speak with me, or if your appointment time has arrived and I haven’t called yet, please send me a brief chat message and I will reply right away if I am available.
Please refrain from calling unless it is past your appointment time and I have not replied to your chat message, as this may interfere with another appointment, and I might not be able to answer at the same time that I could reply to a text message.
To send a chat message:
- Click on my contact name once,
- Then on the (text chat) icon rather than on the (dial phone) icon,
- Then type in your message at the bottom of the window that pops up and press the Enter key.
As a rule please avoid leaving any messages (beyond “May I speak with you now about...” and the like) via Skype’s chat interface, as I cannot guarantee that I will receive them. If you don’t hear back from me soon after (I may in fact be away from my computer at times when I appear online!) please contact me via e-mail or by phone, repeating any information you might have conveyed in the chat message.
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