Saturday, 15 June 2013


  • According to World Health Organization (WHO), homeopathy is the world's second leading system of medicine for primary health care.
  • All homeopathic remedies are FDA approved drugs.
  • Homeopathic medicines are proven and experimented on healthy people, not on animals.
  • The English Royal Family has been under homeopathic care since 1980.
  • As per an independent qualitative survey, homeopathy is emerging as the first and preferred treatment for more and more people.
  • Homeopathic and allopathic treatments can co-exist. Homeopathic medicines can be consumed as you gradually wean away from allopathy.

HOMOEOPATHY - General Philosophy

Homeopathy is a vitalist philosophy which interprets diseases and sickness as caused by disturbances in a hypothetical vital force or life force.

It sees these disturbances as manifesting themselves as unique symptoms. Homeopathy maintains that the vital force has the ability to react and adapt to internal and external causes, which homeopaths refer to as the law of susceptibility. The law of susceptibility implies that a negative state of mind can attract hypothetical disease entities called miasms to invade the body and produce symptoms of diseases.

Homoeopathy is an entirely different world than what is offered today by traditional health care. Homoeopathy is about healing.

Why Homoeopathy ?

There are many reasons we choose and use homeopathy first. These are a few of the basic reasons using homeopathy is common sense for millions of us world-wide:

1. Homeopathic remedies have no known toxic side-effects in over 200 years of use.

Why no toxic side-effects in over 200 years of use?

Due to homeopathy’s use of minute amounts of naturally occurring healing substances, homeopathy is (and has been for over 200 years) one of the gentlest and safest healing therapies in the world today without any known toxic side-effects. Family’s who use homeopathy, (myself included) choose to use completely non-toxic remedies first, before taking any risks with our children, or ourselves using any other substance’s with possible side-effects and toxicity. For millions of people homeopathy has been and continues to be our first choice with our children and ourselves for this commonsense reason, alone.

2.Homeopathy has been effective in reducing or discontinuing the need for toxic therapies.

Why reduce the need for toxic therapies?

Because of the toxicity of medical drugs and the shock of surgeries, these harsh treatments, while possibly necessary in emergencies, can push us deeper into ill health. Overall, weakening ourselves.
Many of my clients had previously gotten themselves into a spiral of using more and more medical drugs to keep themselves alive, or comfortable. It’s a very common medical practice today to have our elderly taking umpteen medications every single day. There is no possibility these medical drugs were ever tested together to see what life-threatening or devastating interactions they promote. No way of knowing for doctor or pharmaceutical company to rationally guess the outcome in our bodies. We do know there is no possibility these drugs will support a person's overall healing and strength with the amount of toxicity involved. Truthfully, any person taking a drug, becomes a potentially lethal experiment, but as the amount of drugs used in combination increases the odds of a serious negative reaction increase exponentially. Whether we are old or not, the toxicity from drug therapies will degrade our health until another drug and then another is needed just to maintain feeling well.

Toxic therapies by definition are unable to heal or strengthen us. If we feel we must use a toxic therapy to stay alive or function, then we must understand our need to further address our actual healing. Otherwise, toxic therapies catch us into a devastating spiral of ill health and our ultimate self destruction.
Homeopathy never participates in promoting more toxicity. Homeopathy strengthens and allows us to heal ourselves.

3.Homeopathy treats our susceptibility to illness not a disease.

What does treating susceptibility mean? (Please excuse my length for this explanation. This concept of healing can be a little more difficult to get across.)

Susceptibility is what creates our vulnerability to a disease or toxic exposure. Treat our susceptibility and we strengthen ourselves. Treating what has us be susceptible to ailments or conditions is actual healing. If a therapy treats only the symptoms of an individual without also healing the individuals overall resistance then the treatment is a fraud and will only allow the individual to feel temporarily well until their health crashes again.

Please consider this:
Our current philosophy of medicine believes we are victims of exposure (ie, if you breath the air with the flu virus in it, you'll get the flu). Current treatment is based on handling symptoms and then just hoping you won't be exposed again. This is silly.

Exposure is not what causes our contraction of the ailment, or our unhealthy response to the ailment afterwards. People who have healthy immune systems and healthy lifestyles aren't as likely to contract diseases in the first place, and are even less likely to suffer from long lasting negative consequences from those conditions when they do contract them. This is common sense.

Susceptibility is the key here: Exposure becomes a problem when there is an unhealthy individual who is susceptible, or their repeated exposure becomes too excessive for their immune system to fend off. But, believing exposure was the cause is ludicrous. If we believe exposure is the cause then according to the news we should have all died from the highly resistant specialized flu’s coming out of Asia, many times over by now. (How many times today were we already exposed to viruses or bacteria? Every time we eat? Every breath we take? Every time we touch our eyes, etc.? Did all those exposures make us sick? Of course, not. Our immune systems handle our exposure and even becomes stronger with exposure and rest.) Exposure plays a fairly minor part in illness.

By believing exposure is what causes us to be ill, we set ourselves up to be victims with no responsibility or capability to heal, develop resistance, and increase vitality. The belief of exposure as cause to our ailments to our society has become more devastating and life debilitating then any flu virus.

Understanding how to take care of our overall health frees us to be in charge of our health and healing. Homeopathy teaches responsibility for health and how to heal ourselves without being blinded by our fears

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