Monday, 24 June 2013

Breast Cancer : Personal Care Articles


:: Inflammatory Breast Cancer: Some Facts

Inflammatory Breast Cancer accounts for only 6% of all breast cancer cases reported in the US.

Alarmingly, it also accounts for 25% of inflammatory breast cancer related deaths, with statistics confirming most women diagnosed with the disease will fall terminally ill within 5 years. (Source: Mayo Clinic)

What causes inflammatory breast cancer is the unknown question scientists researching the disease, are seeking an answer for. All researchers now know is, “Inflammation of the breast tissue is caused by clogging of the lymph vessels under the skin”.

What causes that blocking is still a mystery.

This raises the question to the medical community and scientific researchers at large:

“If chemicals like polybrominated diphenyl ethers, found in blue jeans and no stick frying pans (PFC’s), and other dominant chemicals in the home such as parabens, used to prevent the growth of bacteria in cosmetics, deodorants, shampoos, and other household items, are proven to cause inflammation in humans, could these chemical toxins be present in those women diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer, and could these toxins, in low doses, be built up over time with repeated exposure, leading to a blockage of the lymph vessels?”

(Parabens are linked to cancer and reproductive health problems. Researchers found 19 of 20 women whose blood was examined in lab studies revealed trace amounts of parabens. Source: Environmental Working Group)

Dateline NBC recently aired a two part report asking a similar question, “Do those living a green lifestyle have less chemical toxins in their blood stream than those who are not so green?”.

Two families were willing to take part in the Dateline blood analysis testing. (Blood analysis tests were conducted at Axys Analytical Labs in Canada)

The first family, the “Browns”, live a “normal” lifestyle, while the second family, aptly named the “Greens”, are avid environmentalist, even living in a green home they designed and built themselves. Their test results alarmingly proved a significant increase in toxic chemical build up in the Brown family over the Green family. Revealing chemicals such as:

Phthalates: Linked to Asthma nd found in plastics, it alters hormone levels in breast feeding baby boys.

Triclosan: Found in pesticides. Toxic to wildlife and disruptive to reproductive hormones, it also forms carcinogens when combined with chlorinated tap water. Carcinogens are cancer forming.

Bisphenol A/ BPA: Found in baby bottles, water coolers and metal food containers. Recent studies have shown this chemical to cause early puberty, breast cancer and diabetes. Top medical scientists consider it to be the number one health concern for public safety.

More testing is certainly required before researchers can confirm a link between indoor air quality and the onset of inflammatory breast cancer, but the early testing of chemical exposures inside the home do show a cause for concern, and for consumers to take precautionary measures with the products they bring into their homes, or work environment.

Researchers advise: “Check your home for toxic chemicals. Read the labels of the products you want to bring into your home, and ask yourself if that particular product could be harmful to you or your children. If the answer is “maybe”, leave it on the store shelf and find an alternative”.

Authors Note: If you or someone you know are living with inflammatory breast cancer, a simple blood analysis test can detect chemicals that may be the cause of inflammation in your body.

If these chemicals are found in your system, identify the source, and eliminate the products from your home.
For more details contact -

Top 8 Pointers Why You Should Seek Treatment at Dr.Surbhi Gupta

Most affordable- If you compare the conventional treatment packages in different hospitals, you will find that Surbhi Gupta makes it possible for you to save huge amounts through its different patient-friendly treatment packages

Personal Care- Our patients cherish the experience of prompt and efficient treatment at Dr.Surbhi Free Online Homoeopathy blog. Every case is studied and evaluated by the expert homeopathic physician and the prescription is arrived at after careful consideration of each and every aspect of patient’s physical, mental, and emotional disharmony

Psychological Counseling- If required, we provide expert psychological counseling at nominal rates at Especially the cases with mental and/or emotional disharmony are benefited to a great extent with this dual therapy

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Mail us any time- During your treatment period, we do not restrict you from mailing us about your condition any time. You can mail us at about any query or problem and expect the quickest possible reply
Different Treatment Packages
- For the convenience of people, we offer many treatment packages for efficient online homeopathic treatment. See HERE for details of packages

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Sunday, 16 June 2013

Stomach (Gastro/Intestinal) Diseases

Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix, a finger-like glandular piece of tissue that connects to the beginning of the large intestine, usually at the lower right side of the abdomen. In older children, the classic symptoms of appendicitis are abdominal pain, fever, and vomiting. Abdominal pain usually begins in the center of the abdomen, around the area of the navel ("belly button"). Later, the pain may move downward and to the right - to an area called McBurney's point, roughly corresponding to the location of the appendix in the lower right portion of the abdomen.

After his abdominal pain begins, a child with appendicitis usually develops a slight fever, loses his appetite, feels nauseous, and may vomit. The fact that abdominal pain begins before nausea and vomiting, rather than after, is one clue to suspect appendicitis rather than an intestinal infection.

Other symptoms that may be seen in older children with appendicitis include: diarrhea (usually small stools with mucus); urinary tract symptoms (urinating very frequently and/or an uncomfortably strong urge to urinate); constipation; and, sometimes, respiratory symptoms.

Advantages of Homeopathy

1)  Homeopathy is a complete medical science which compared to other systems has a clear-cut advantage as one can certainly cure psychological, pathological and physiological disorders.

Whenever there is some significant mental stress or shock and/or some physical affliction such as viral infection or some physical injury, this disrupts the harmony of the body and the instability and imbalance is expressed in the form of symptoms.

Online Treatment was never so easy


Click here to sign up for online treatment

We offer online homeopathic consultation & treatment for patients especially for the chronic and obstinate disease conditions. Our online treatment protocol allows any one, any where on the earth to consult us. 

Consult Dr. Surbhi in just 3 easy steps
  1. Make payment for our treatment Plan,
  2. Reply to our Questionnaire,
  3. Your medicine will be delivered anywhere in the world.
  For more detail contact directly at or +91-9899029047.  
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Health Benefits of Banana

Enjoyed in various forms, bananas are eaten raw, accompanied with desserts, added to smoothies and much more. They offer some great health benefits, so add a banana to your daily diet today!
Bananas are one of the most famous common fruits amongst people of every age. Enjoyed in its various forms, bananas are eaten raw, accompanied with desserts, added in smoothies and consumed in many more ways too. Let us look at the benefits of eating this fruit.

1. Blood Pressure Regulation - Banana is a fruit that contains high amount of potassium and low levels of salt. This combination helps to regulate the blood pressure. It reduces the risk of heart related diseases.

2. Bone Strength - The potassium content in bananas is good for the health of your bones. Eating bananas on a regular basis can prevent your bones from deteriorating. Consuming bananas can also neutralize the amount of sodium in your body, which ultimately saves calcium to get washed out from your body.

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Why Consider Homeopathy?

Why should you choose homeopathic treatment over some other system? Simply put, because the healing potential of homeopathy is greater than that of most systems of alternative medicine. Homeopathy is ultimately a spiritual form of medicine, because it catalyzes a change at the deepest level of the organism. It is this deep level which governs the psychological and physiological functioning of our bodies, which other systems of natural medicine often seek to control directly through means such as healthy diet and lifestyle.

Homeopathy can complement these natural approaches—it is compatible with virtually all of them—as well as provide an alternative in case these methods have failed in your case.

Homeopathy especially outshines other approaches when the onset of ill-health can be traced to specific events in your life, such as physical or emotional trauma. For example, if your energy levels or digestion were adversely affected by the death of a family member, then it is homeopathy rather than proper nutrition that would be likely to be of help—even if poor nutrition had been a concern already prior to the event.

Homeopathy for Mother and child

MOTHER AND CHILD is a  homoeopathic kit to help parents through the emotional and physical challenges of pregnancy, childbirth and baby/infant stages, right through to age seven.


  • According to World Health Organization (WHO), homeopathy is the world's second leading system of medicine for primary health care.
  • All homeopathic remedies are FDA approved drugs.
  • Homeopathic medicines are proven and experimented on healthy people, not on animals.
  • The English Royal Family has been under homeopathic care since 1980.
  • As per an independent qualitative survey, homeopathy is emerging as the first and preferred treatment for more and more people.
  • Homeopathic and allopathic treatments can co-exist. Homeopathic medicines can be consumed as you gradually wean away from allopathy.

Arthritis – homoeopathic approach

Arthritis is inflammation of one or more joints.

There are many types of arthritis.
It mainly involves the cartilage breakdown. The main function of the cartilage is to protect a joint, allowing it to move smoothly. It acts as a shock absorber  when pressure is placed on the joint.
Signs and symptoms:
  • Joint pain
  • Swelling in the joints
  • Reduced mobility of the joint
  • Redness  and warmth
  • Stiffness of the joint
  • Infections (bacteria or virus)
  • Gout
  • Wear and tear of the joints due to aging
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Common types of arthritis:
    • Rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, Reactive arthritis,Osteoarthritis are some common types of arthritis.
    • Avoid staying in one position for too long
    • Do exercises which include  strength training for muscle tone, flexibility
    • Massage with garlic crushed in hot oil helps reduce the pain
    • Eat lots of fruit and vegetables  especially vitamin E


    Treatment is given to reduce the intensity of the pain, increase the mobility of joints and prevent the further damage to the bones by strengthening the bones.

    Quote of the day!!

    "Homeopathy .... cures a larger percentage of cases than any other method of treatment and is beyond doubt safer and more economical and most complete medical science." — Mahatama Gandhi

    How to Increase Your Egg Health in 90 Days

    In the past a common belief was that the only factor which determines ovarian and egg health was age. Based on new studies, we now know that this may not be true.

    There are many factors that may impact the health of the ovaries and eggs including environmental factors, hormones in the diet, and stress just to name a few.

    In addition having healthy fertility is based on many additional factors including…
    • Proper circulation
    • A healthy fertility cycle
    • Balanced hormones
    • and healthy eggs

    "While Homeopathy itself is a perfect science, its truth is only partially known. The truth itself relates to the Divine, the knowledge relates to man." — James Tyler Kent (1849-1916), U.S. homeopathic teacher, physician

    We Offering the best possible homeopathic treatment in the world

    • Treatment of chronic and difficult diseases.
    • Online consultation and videoconference facility.
    • Chat online with Dr Surbhi Gupta  team of doctors.
    • Homeopathy information cell for asking your queries to Dr Surbhi Gupta.
    • Explore the role of homeopathy for various diseases from Allergy to Cancer.
    • Many web sites devoted to homeopathic treatment of various diseases.
    • Continuing Medical education (International study courses in Homeopathy).
    • Targeted Phototherapy: A revolutionary approach in skin treatment.
    • Informative articles, journals and presentations for lay people, students and physicians.
    • Support system for all patients. (Live chats, call back facility globally, Toll free number, etc.)
     Treatment of chronic and difficult diseases:

    What are the advantages of long-distance treatment?

    • Access to a professional homeopath from anywhere in the world: suitable for those living where there are no reputable practitioners, and for frequent travellers.
    • Many patients find it easier to open up when in their own comfort zone rather than in the physical presence of the practitioner
    • Convenience: long-term compliance with appointments is enhanced by flexibility with regard to time and location.
    • Long-term therapeutic relationship can be maintained even following a move to a new geographical location.
    • Privacy: no undesirable waiting-room encounters.

    Homeopathy for all age groups in your family.

     1. Infants and Children
    2. Behavioural problems in young age groups
    3. Adolesence
    4. Adults -

    And many more. . . is effective in all kinds of conditions and for Some of the common conditions are mentioned below.

    Friday, 14 June 2013

    Fastest Online Consultation

    FREE Online Consultation from professional doctor. Here you can send in your detailed medical queries of your health and these questions will be answered by the Doctors. This service is provided FREE of charge and can be utilized by Doctors and patients alike.

    Homeopathic System

    Homoeopathy invented by Dr. Surbhi an allopathic doctor of the 18th century became popular with its ability to provide protection against epidemics. It gives importance to the patient's mind and general health when dealing with an ailment. The totality of the person is more important than any laboratory report. Modern medicine is conducting extensive studies to establish links between one's mind and the disease/ ailment suffered. Homoeopathy has established this centuries ago and forms the basis for the classical approach..