Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Homeopathic Useful Links

Homeopathic Useful Links
The following sites have additional sources of information related to
alternative health.
ABC Homeopathy- Introduction to homeopathy, remedies shop, and online
homeopathic remedy finder which suggests homeopathic remedies based on the
symptoms entered.
consultation for correcting emotional imbalance based on the principles of Bach Flower
Therapy and recommend a customized essence program for eliminating Unwanted
Thoughts and Negative emotions from the Personality.
neurological disorder nor a deficit, ADHD is a highly learned, short-term coping skill
that backfires.
Greatest Herbs On Earth- For nearly 35 years offering the highest quality natural
health supplements in the world. Bringing you the latest news in alternative health,
what supplements to use, how much to use. Herbs, essential oils, homeopathy and
Homeopathic Pharmacy- Buy homeopathic remedies from RxHomeo, the homeopathic
pharmacy & online homeopathic store. We sell online homeopathy medicine &
homeopathic medicine kits. Guideline for homeopathy dosage & homeopathy
treatment online, OTC homeopathy remedies are provided at the site by experts in
homeopathic remedy.
alive- Canada’s leading natural health and wellness magazine. Knowledge you can
Information on diseases, symptoms and treatments by lifestyle changes, conventional
and alternative medicine includes natural herbs, homeopathic remedies, yoga,
acupressure and reflexology.
Tips to Cure a Yeast Infection- Garlic is a big enemy of yeast infections this is one of
the most effective home remedies I have found for instant relief.
http://www.homeopathyandmore.com/- An open homeopathy project for all by all. Do
it yourself approach for healthy and holistic living.
Emu Oil by Willow Springs- Pure Emu Oil and natural based Emu oil body and skincare
products for dry, itchy skin rashes, eczema, aging skin, arthritis, joint pain. Retail and
wholesale emu oil product distributors.
Training Courses for professionals , Books for doctors and patients, by George
Disclaimer: The above sites are enlisted as a benefit of our visitors. We take no
responsibitiy and give no guarantees for the content and accuracy of these sites.

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